Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Review of "The Secret of Indigo Moon" by G.P. Taylor

Again as stated in my review of the first book in this series, I was really interested in this concept - and it took some getting used to - but I do like it. I think it mixes things up a bit and will definitely catch the interest of those who may not describe themselves as "big readers".

Identical twin sisters Sadie and Saskia Dopple and their friend Erik Morrissey Ganger just can't seem to stay out of trouble - mysteries just surround them, begging to be solved.  In this book we meet several new characters (as well as one or two from the first book) and are introduced to a number of secret passageways that are hiding some important information about the Isambard Dunstan School for Wayward Children and it's staff, past and present.  Throw in a antiquities theft ring, an investigative reporter with interesting relatives and some more freedom for our main characters, and I am eager to get to book #3.  This fast-paced novel was less 'dark' than the first and I appreciated that, as I had concerns the first one seemed to have less hope.

Again, I am starting on book 3 now and the characters are growing on me. I can recommend this book & series to a pre-teen or teen who can handle some on-the-tense-side scenes, or an adult who wants to try something new! I still think these books require (especially for younger or more impressionable readers) some 'adult-who-has-read-it-too' discussion. Check it out, you might like it!

Visit www.TyndaleRewards.com for more information about the publisher of this and other great books.

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