Thursday, August 24, 2017

Review of "The Two of Us" by Victoria Bylin

Nurse Practitioner Mia Robinson has had a rough time in the love department. The parent figure to her late teens sister, and highly bound up in a DEEP sense of responsibility in all areas of her life, Mia is determined to not let Lucy make any major mistakes.....including getting married at 19, just because she is pregnant! As a by product of this impending wedding, Mia soon meets Jake Tanner, now the father figure to the almost-groom. Jake is a former police officer who was forced to retire after a career ending injury which also killed his partner, soon to be groom Sam's mother.

Jake and Mia have even more in common than they first think, but Mia's fears continue to impact their future at every step. However, Mia and Jake, Lucy and Sam, and even their families are all determined to find what God is saying to do when they are confronted with decisions and events. The author has created numerous layers and depth in the characters. However, it was a challenge to give this book 'highest marks' because I didn't find Mia to be completely likeable, and had a hard time rooting for her. This is just my opinion of course, and others may not read her that way at all. This book also addresses many life issues, such as a worldview of poverty and what real people can do about it, loneliness, career change, fear, control issues, Alzheimer's, aging parents, and more - but overall everything is covered with a lot of grace which makes up for quite a bit. :)

I was provided with a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

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