Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Review of "An Elegant Facade" By Kristi Ann Hunter

Book two in the Hawthorne House series, here we are given the back story on Miranda's challenging sister, Lady Georgiana. Told with a method I haven't seen before (and I read A LOT), a fair portion of this book overlaps with the author's debut book (and first in the series, "A Noble Masquerade"). I actually loved it! The author provides a note of explanation, and truly, being written in this way crated an extra layer of depth. You can easily read and understand this book independently of the first one, but it does provide a unique perspective - one that I appreciated.

Lady Georgiana, on the surface, appears to be extremely vain and conniving. Her single focus is to make the perfect match in her debut season, which she has worked tirelessly for years to prepare for-all so she can feel safe.

A friend of the family, investment manager Colin McRae, is successful-but not titled-and although Georgiana initially intrigues him, he is convinced she is too shallow. However, he soon begins to see glimpses of the real Georgiana behind the mask...and once he inadvertently learns her secret, realizes she is in his heart. And he isn't sure he wants her to get out.

I greatly enjoyed both of the books in this series and it is easy to recommend them highly. In no way do they "read" like they are from a new author! The characters are interesting and believable. Both books are incredibly well-written and a wonderful take on this time period of history.

I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

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