This is the third and final installment in The Codebreakers series. Gifted Photographer Lillian Blackwell (semi-secretly) works for British intelligence, developing and editing photos for the cause. She enjoys a privileged life and continues to be kind and humble; yet, some of her secrets are weighing heavily on her.
Zivon Marin was well respected in Russia until his political and personal conflicts with the Bolshevik uprising (including some that he is unaware will hit quite a bit closer to home) required him to flee. Now working with Lily's father, Captain Blackwell, he finds himself captivated by the lovely Lily. However, he is unsure of his future and has some -understandable-family and forgiveness issues he needs to work through.
With several twists and turns (that I found unexpected), there were also several VERY poignant parallels to our world today that made this novel extremely timely and relevant. This series was excellent! I am thrilled to recommend this book.
I was provided a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
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