Thomas Locke's new series, "Fault Lines" begins with a roller coaster ride of events. Scientists, kids who live on the edge, mercenary government officials, brilliant students; all come together for the purpose of something incredible - exploring the ability to essentially travel without bodies; to "ascend".
There are several main characters the author is introducing us to, and the book bounces back and forth between them. Students Trent & Shane have challenging backgrounds that are not fully revealed, but their intelligence is clearly off the charts. Reese Clawson is technically running an experiment for the government but has her own reasons for participating. She will do whatever it takes to right an undisclosed wrong. Gabriella & Charlie have worked together for years, and are initially unable or unwilling to tell each other the truth about how they feel.
With all of the bouncing back and forth, it is initially challenging to know who the "good" and "bad" guys are. And will the results of these experiments be used for good or evil? In my opinion, this is not at all a stand alone novel. I was not satisfied in the ending in that I wanted more, I wanted to know what happens next. I will gladly recommend this book and am eager to read the next one in this series.
I was given a free book from Revell Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
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