Book three of "The Gregory Sisters" trilogy, this installment focuses on the youngest sister, whirlwind Tessa. Recently and unfairly expelled (but unwilling to share that information with anyone she loves) from the university where she has been studying horticulture, Tessa attempts to get a job designing gardens at the very prestigious local park. Although she is very gifted, the park superintendent is unwilling to hire her. She conspires with gardener Reese King - who is a hard worker but believes he lacks the artistry Tessa exudes. Together, they use Tessa's designs paired with Reese's assignment to create a special garden, to help Reese win a promotion.
Aunt Sam continues to fight for women's suffrage, and Tessa's older sisters have their own challenges. Through it all they discover a deeper meaning of conviction and the important role that deep honesty plays in any relationship.
I have not read the first two books in this series, and could still enjoy this one. However, I truly enjoyed it enough that I will go back and read the first two! A fun, lighthearted romance with a deeper meaning along with a little mystery, I can easily recommend this book.
I was given this book by Revell for my honest review.
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