Sunday, August 31, 2014

Review of "Interrupted" by Jen Hatmaker

This book has been recommended to me for some time and I finally took the plunge. The timing could not have been better; as a relatively recent church planter there are so many things I related to and loved about this book. It was super validating and encouraging, and I literally read it in one day. I can't wait to have my husband read it (additionally, our 12 year old daughter ripped it out of my hands as soon as I was finished; after reading 7 and watching "My Big Family Reno" she is a fan of all things Hatmaker) - and although it's pretty deep for 12, I'm eager to hear what she thinks.

"Interrupted" is the dissection of how God wrecked Jen's life in the best way possible, opening her eyes/heart/daily practices etc. to the journey He had for her - one that was rich and incomparable. By the way, if you are avoiding this book because you think it will be convicting, hey, that's all the more reason why you should do it anyways. :)  If you've read 7 this is a must (I wish I had read this prior to reading 7 but hey, truth is truth no matter the order. Also, if you're planning to read 7, wait just a minute and read this first - it will be a richer experience.)

Challenging, thought provoking, interesting; with her trademark humor and transparency throughout, this is an important read for anyone. I think Christ followers who are tired of the status quo or are convinced there is "something more" will be especially pleased. The overwhelming message I received from reading "Interrupted" is this: what God has specifically planned for you and I is certainly better than we can imagine, and when we are operating daily by being obedient to WHATEVER THAT IS, our lives and the lives of those around us will simply be transformed.

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