Delving into the mystery shrouding the Kennedy Assassination, this fiction story cleverly entwined with facts begins in 1963 with the real Babushka Lady. In our story, her name is Margaret Baker and she wants nothing more on that pivotal day than to see the president she admires drive through her city. In a disguise (so she won't be caught playing hooky from work), she brings her 8mm Bolex camera and inadvertently films the tragedy - in hindsight, from an angle no one else has. Although fearful, she keeps her secret for many years, hiding the film in a safety deposit box that is revealed only after her death. Her daughter Sheila is her sole surviving relative and is now the bearer of her secret - the one that some will kill many times over to keep from being discovered.
Realizing the dangerous possibilities of what is now in her possession, Sheila decides to contact Jason Hammond, a billionaire adventurer who specializes in researching unsolved mysteries. She believes he has the power, resources, and knowledge to help her decide what should be done with this new evidence - and the Babushka Lady's film is more explosive than anyone could have guessed.
I've never read a Will Mara book before, and now I can't wait for the next one. I was hooked almost immediately and didn't want to put it down once I began. His combination of fact and fiction is woven together seamlessly, the hero characters imperfect and yet very likeable. I truly can't wait for the next Jason Hammond book. Great concept, very well done.
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