Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Review of "Secrets Over Sweet Tea" by Denise Hildreth

I've said it before and I will say it again: Denise Hildreth speaks my language. :)  I'm willing to bet she speaks yours, you'd better hurry up and get this book to find out.  "Secrets Over Sweet Tea" managed to make me laugh out loud numerous times - and cry, too.  I cannot recommend it enough.  While you're at it, get one for you and your bestie, too.

Unconventional Pastor's wife Scarlett Jo Newbury is gifted in that she can sense hurt in others that they may think they have covered well; and she is willing to love them where they are.  Her new neighbor, news reporter Grace Shepherd is deep in grief over a long-time-coming divorce and isn't sure what her life should look like next.  Divorce Attorney Zach Craig seems like he has it all together - but his secrets run so deep, even he doesn't have it all figured out.  These three main characters come together in the town of Franklin, Tennessee and share a story with us that is life changing.

One of the things I love best about Denise's writing is that nothing is sugar coated and very little is sacred...her characters are just plain real.   The choices they are faced with are more common in conventional "Christian circles" than one might think. Her characters don't always make the "right decision"....but grace shines through.

Please read this book.

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