Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Review of "My Imaginary Jesus" by Matt Mikalatos

Matt and his best friend Jesus are having lunch in a cafe in Portland, when a guy named Pete comes in and a few minutes later, punches Jesus in the face!  And so the adventure begins - an adventure that involves a talking donkey, an unlimited amount of different "Jesus-es" (I think my personal favorite fake Jesus was a toss up between Magic 8 Ball Jesus and Testosterone Jesus) and even a few bible characters.  Throw in a great deal of personal discovery and I found a winner.

I must admit, I was initially a little skeptical that I would enjoy this book....but I truly did!  I thought it was clever, witty, entertaining, AND seriously thought provoking....not always a simple combination to achieve.  I enjoyed the sense that it was a bit autobiographical, although it was technically a fiction book.  The author's sense of humor is evident (I laughed out loud a few times), but it's in no way irreverent or insulting.  His nods and inside jokes resonated with me.  I definitely recommend this book and look forward to reading more by Mr. Mikalatos.

Visit for more information about the publisher of this and other great books.

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