I found myself liking Marta more and more in this powerful conclusion to Her Mother's Hope; what a began as a seemingly hopeless tangled mess of relationships was resolved in a story rich in forgiveness - it illustrated beautifully that God can use even the most challenging of situations for something great. I thought it was especially interesting that just as Carolyn was drawn to her Oma Marta, May Flower Dawn is with her grandmother Hildie....the difference being that Marta encouraged Carolyn to persist in her challenging relationship with her mother; Hildie seems determined to undermine Carolyn every chance she gets. She is a tough character to enjoy because she is so persistently selfish.
Her Daughter's Dream takes us from the 50's through to present day....again, a rich-in-history lesson illustrating how decisions we make today can have such long reaching effects....but that God's grace can shine through and bring healthy resolution to it all, if we will simply stop being so stubborn and listen more than we speak.
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